Annotated Summary

Johor government, people must speak up on water deal with Singapore: Mahathir. (2019,

In the article, “Johor government, people must speak up on water deal with Singapore: Mahathir”, Channel News Asia (CNA) reports on how Malaysia’s Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir raises his opinions on the 1962 Water Agreement during the Johor state leaders’ retreat. In the current Water Agreement, Singapore is authorized to draw up to 250 million gallons a day (mgd) while resupplying Johor with treated water up to 5mgd. Of which, Singapore pays 3 sen per thousand gallons of raw water and sells treated water back to Johor at 50 sen per thousand gallons, a fraction of the cost of treating the water.

Mahathir (2019) then continued to stress that Singapore’s rapid growth is pillared by Johor’s supply of raw water. Quoting that Johor would have profited more if the state had properly managed its water and electricity supply that they had channeled to Singapore. Currently, Mahathir is leading his team of officials to renegotiate the prices of raw water sold to Singapore.

Currently, Singapore derives its water supply from the Four National Taps. They consist of Water from Local Catchment, Imported Water, high-grade reclaimed water known as NEWater and Desalinated Water. Of which, imported water from Johor supplies up to 60% of Singapore's water demand daily. If the renegotiation were to turn sour and Malaysia decides to turn off the tap, Singapore might lose its main water supply and be required to ramp up NEWater and its desalinated plant supply to meet the daily water consumption.

In Conclusion, Singapore has shown slight weakness due to the dependency of Johor’s water supply as a primary of Four National Taps. Thus, the article has led me to further research into new water sources strategies or alternatives to keep up with the increasing demand for daily water consumption for Singapore.


  1. A good effort. Best wishes for the proposal and the presentation.


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