Critical Reflection

1.     Module Learning
SIE 2016 Effective Communication has been a fruitful and enriching module through my first trimester in SiT. At the beginning of the module, my main personal goal was set to develop myself to be an engaging and active listener. Reflecting upon the goals I have set at the start of the course, I believed that I have improved and developed myself to be a better active listener than before. Through the weekly discussions and interaction in a group setting, I was able to comprehend the different communication styles of different individuals and respond accordingly. When we proceeded to our research project, this became especially helpful as Jing Yi and Seng Yee have different personalities and working styles. This led to different interpretations of a statement made. Hence, I would converse in a specific unique method for each of my teammates. When conversing with Seng Yee, I made sure I understood his statement to the detailed level and responded with suggestions for improvement and criteria points to evaluate upon. However, Jing Yi’s request would be more of asking for a confirmation and reaffirmation. Thus, understanding her statement and using positive encouraging words would boost her confidence. Through the module, I really learned to be a better leader. As a leader, I believe that you first have to listen to the voices of your team. This module has allowed me to grasp the balance between being vocal and actively listening to my team. Even after the module, I will always appreciate the uniqueness of different communication styles and actively listen to new individuals and identify their communication style.

2.     Project Learning
Through the presentation segment on my research project, I realised a clear difference between most of the engineering faculty undergraduates compared to business faculty undergraduates. Despite having the technical knowledge to back our claims, many individuals were unable to make an impactful presentation to the audience. What sets the faculties apart is how we can portray ourselves and present it in front of a crowd. Coming from a business faculty in my polytechnic, I was exposed to different presentation techniques and the multiple opportunities to present. However, I was unable to fully utilise all of the opportunities, believing that the presentation should come naturally. However, I was wrong. During the presentation showcase, there are exceptional individuals like Ying Jia who utilised such techniques and started off with a quote and presented with the aims to inspire the audience. Through their presentations, I learned how my peers put such techniques into application and realised how important it is to prepare beforehand. Having learned the importance of oral communication, I would put in more effort to prepare for my presentation beforehand and the character I want to portray during the presentation. My key takeaway would be to always practice and host dry runs before the presentation. Having dry runs would make my project group be familiarised with their content and the project as a whole. Being familiarised with their content, would bring about confidence. Hence, I would definitely factor in more time for multiple dry runs to make my project group comfortable with the presentation ahead.

3.     The Presentation Showcase
As part of the SIE Showcase Presentation 2019’s organising committee, I was tasked as the coordinator for the catering of the event. My primary responsibility was to liaise with Mrs. Pat and CJS Catering. Accompanied by Mun Shiu, we ensured that the catering services delivered the correct menu and quantity for our event. We also guided the caterers to our event venue and advised them on the setup location. To keep the committee in the loop, I would update them timely if there are any changes. Through our communication channel, we were able to prepare the buffet spread and open the lid just before the special guests left the lecture hall to enjoy the hot food. Initially, due to the difference in commitment level from the committee members, the information flow was always cut and we were having multiple small conversations instead of a holistic discussion. Once we set aside our differences, we were able to have a clear and concise channel of information. Through our meetings, minutes were recorded and we were clear on our responsibility. A positive takeaway would be the importance of having clear and concise communication. With clear information passed down, everyone is kept in the loop and we were able to run the showcase smoothly. Similar to other dialogues and forum sessions, I believe that we could install mics in the middle of the walkways so students can voice their questions after each presentation more effectively. This would inculcate the setting of a forum and make the event more impactful.


  1. Dear Jantzen,
    After reading your reflection, I agree with your point that one of the main traits of good teamwork is communication. You have improved your skills through this module but also helped your members along the way. Adapting and understanding the needs of every team members and helping each other shows that you are a capable leader. Although our group's ideas are quite similar, your team's presentation was truly unique and was an idea that we did not thought of (which was quite vexing to say "was a great idea"). I would also like to thank you for your efforts in ensuring that we had food for the event.
    Yours sincerely,
    jue qiang

  2. Hi Jantzen,

    I really enjoyed reading your reflection as it tells how much you have grown throughout your time in the course. It is great to see how you were able to effectively work and learn from people of different communication style in your team. I definitely can agree that having more dry runs and rehearsals before any presentation is essential. I hope that your journey does not end here and that you would find news way to improve your soft your skills further.

    Best regards,
    Devaraj Domingo


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