Summary Draft v2 - Autonomous Vehicles

Noble, L. W. (2019, July 8). Singapore revs up engines for autonomous vehicle race. Retrieved from

In the article, “Singapore revs up engines for autonomous vehicle race”, Noble (2019) mentions the growing trend of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) in Singapore. To incorporate AVs into Singapore’s transport system, four organizations have adjudicated a temporary national standard termed Technical Reference 68 (TR68). According to Fitch Ratings, the implementation of TR68 would promote the growth and acceptance of AVs in Singapore. This would also further entice autonomous technology firms into Singapore. With the combined factors of the aging population and the pressure to monitor the drivers’ mental capabilities, the government is viewing into the option of AVs. Elaine Chao (2019) stresses that “AV could pave the way for road safety, citing that 94% of vehicular accidents have taken place due to human error”. AVs would not only benefit the safety of the aged but also opens up mobility opportunities for people with disabilities. In summary, Noble (2019) asserts that the emergence of AVs could positively impact Singapore soon.


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