Reader Response Outline Draft v1

Growing Trend of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) In Singapore

I.                    Technical Reference 68 (TR68)
II.                  Growth and Acceptance of AVs
III.                Safety of the aged & Mobility for people with disabilities

Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) have yet to reach implementation phase

IV.               Safety of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)
-        As different motorists have different driving habits and practices, how can AVs coexist with them in Singapore’s transport system? In addition, is AVs able to drive and ensure the safety of its passengers with reckless motorists, who would potentially break laws like making an illegal U-turn, on the road? Furthermore, there are many tangibles like passengers who could be jaywalking or dashing onto the road.
-        More drink-driving accidents, motorists running red lights
-      Uber Crash in Arizona Kills Woman in First Pedestrian Death Caused by a Self-Driving Car

V.                 Financial Investments into Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)
-    In order to implement AVs into Singapore’s transport system, financial investments have to be made into development, software and hardware like sensors, Moreover, AVs testing requires a large controlled testing grounds which is demanding in a land-scared Singapore. These financial investments could be used to reskill drivers’ proficiency or construct Singapore’s railway system to reduce the congestion and possibly road accidents.
-        Strong Governmental Support with EDBI
-      Singapore opened the Centre of Excellence for Testing and Research of Autonomous Vehicles (Cetran) at Nanyang Technological University in 2017

VI.               Cyber Security for Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)
-       The backbone of AVs rely on sensors, actuators, complex algorithms, machine learning systems and powerful processors to execute software. In addition, AVs also, include the Key Vehicle Interfaces which both monitors and transmit data into the motherboard. This wireless transmission of data could be easily exploited by hackers and potentially terrorist groups for data collection purposes or if worst used to execute a real-world attack.
-        Cyber Security to AVs
-        Cyberterrorists targeting healthcare systems, critical infrastructure

VII.             Conclusion
In conclusion, despite the availability of AV technology in the market, there are multiple constraints for the implementation in Singapore’s transport system. Unlike other countries that has implemented AVs, Singapore’s roads are fast-paced and congested with traffic. The government would have to come out with solutions to mitigate these constraints while safeguarding the motorists and pedestrians on the road.


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